Manage Reviews

Managing reviews within Permission Assist is quite simple if you know some rules that reviews follow:

  • Reviews can be in a status of Started, Completed, or Draft

  • A review that was created but not yet started is in a Draft status.

  • A review that has started is in an Open status.

  • Completed reviews are in a Completed status. A review can be "Completed" at any time; however, typically a review is Completed when there are no Pending Responses remaining and when all access requests have been completed.

  • You can only delete reviews in Draft and Open status. Completed reviews must be archived.

  • Multiple reviews can be Open at the same time as long as they are different review types. For example, you can have 3 open reviews with each review being a different review type (one Groups review, one User - All Permissions review, and one User - Entitlements and Overrides review).

  • Multiple reviews of the same type may also be open at the same time as long as they don't include the same applications. For example, you cannot have two Entitlements and Overrides reviews open at the same time if they both include WireXchange. However, you could have two Entitlements and Overrides reviews open if one included WireXchange and the other included your core application.